
Showing posts from 2006

Revolution Next to Computer

Imagine a man/woman of sixteenth century or anyone living even earlier. Could one of them recognize or forecast that the world would be overtaken with production/travel technology, computer/communication technology one after another in the next four hundred years or so. Could he/she ever have a sweet dream of jets, webs, mobile phones and e-governance. In a similar fashion you too would not believe when I tell you that the next stage of revolution would be the still more invisible software, such as the transformation within our own brain. We revolutionised the products, our engines, and later our own mental operations with the help of computer, sattelites and mobile phones. We have achieved this through the extra-ordinary human intellect. Now the remaining part is to revolutionize the intellect itself. There's a new world to be achieved by changing the way we think and feel. Religions have demonstrated some of these powers in the past. But they uniformally failed due to the lack
I believe I said something startling in my previous blog. One could have still missed it. Not because you aren't agile. But possibly because I could have stated it in a clumsy manner. Let me redo it again for you and take off from that single point. "I am basically a thinking spirit and I could equally say 'I am not this', just as I continue to harp 'I am this and that'. If you remember, I concluded by saying it isn't wrong to believe 'I am this body and this mind' but it's simply a beginning of the evolutionery stage. Just a simple argument is sufficient to prove that my presumption of self is either wrong or imperfect. My body as we know is a mingling of the cells of my parents and it continues to depend even now on lots of physical sources such as food, water and air existing outside this body. Hence how could I ever say 'I starts from this body alone'? My brain which is not sufficiently developed to see the links of physical rea