Revolution Next to Computer

Imagine a man/woman of sixteenth century or anyone living even earlier. Could one of them recognize or forecast that the world would be overtaken with production/travel technology, computer/communication technology one after another in the next four hundred years or so. Could he/she ever have a sweet dream of jets, webs, mobile phones and e-governance.

In a similar fashion you too would not believe when I tell you that the next stage of revolution would be the still more invisible software, such as the transformation within our own brain. We revolutionised the products, our engines, and later our own mental operations with the help of computer, sattelites and mobile phones. We have achieved this through the extra-ordinary human intellect.

Now the remaining part is to revolutionize the intellect itself. There's a new world to be achieved by changing the way we think and feel. Religions have demonstrated some of these powers in the past. But they uniformally failed due to the lack of a rational foot-hold.

Any one who wishes to step into the new world that I am talking of, needn't purchase even a single gadget. You simply have to invest some precious moments with your own mind. You need to master the PRINCIPLES OF MIND, equally firm and steady as the physical laws that govern the Universe.

Law 1 : Mind focuses on onething at a time and attempts to place it at the right folder among the countless folders it has already created in line with the complex reality, it encounters outside.

Law 2 : Every mind is ought to have its own intimate folders that occupy a customized priority based on the level of access and intimacy it enjoys with those immediate and preferred realities.

Law 3: The kind of thoughts and emotions generated in each mind are vastly determined by the factors of its immediate and preferred realities.

Law 4: Being overtaken by the immediate and preferred realities the mind makes stupid assumptions and continues to place all its fresh data into its own misconceived folders of definition.

Law 5: Thoughts and emotions are determined not only by the immediate realities but also through the misconceived assumptions that the mind has already set for itself.

Law 6: The mind creates a sense of SELF, based on its direct and immediate accessibility to its own nerve-impressions, thoughts and emotions that continuously occur and get registered and based on the human body intimately linked with itself.

Law 7: A mind that understands the process of SELF- CREATION & CONSOLIDATION, can also work out its serious limitations and create a new definition of SELF that includes every aspect of reality it encounters.

The creation of new SELF has its own SET OF LAWS as well. We could perhaps enumerate them in the next blog, remembering yet again that the revolution of mind would definitely overtake all physical revolutions that have occured till date.



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