The Ultimate Wedding
The journey of a stormy ride is poised to move into an
ultimate phase of a pleasant, peaceful one. This is how I would describe the
long enduring human search for knowledge, meaning, health and prosperity.
We have traveled thousands of miles in darkness and light;
freezing chill and boiling heat. We saw
everything in blocks or as random events and we let loose our imagination to
extend all sorts of connections and meaning to the bewildering complexity. Some turned out to be accurate;
but many others were later proved to be wrong.
We have nearly succeeded in finding the secrets of matter.
Today we can explain much of the physical phenomena, at least the ones
immediately relevant to us, just with a help of a few basic fields and their
nearly constant attributes. But the many different values and functions match with each other so perfectly giving rise to stunning outcomes, at times with their even more stunning exceptions and deviations that fully ensure the final results that it’s impossible to
separate meaningfulness from the evolution of matter.
Often we were careful not to mix up the external events with the kind
of meaning our minds were ready to throw up almost irresistibly. Some of them
were indeed outdated ones and we did well to bid goodbye to them.
But even after extricating ourselves from the heavy baggage of the past and strictly attempting to
study events in their pristine purity, we are shocked to note that the newly-emerging significance is in itself so
overwhelming that we just can't shut ourselves into a darkness of emptiness and pretend as if we are reaction-free neutral observers. The ghost
of meaning we methodically exorcised is happily haunting us back right from the principles of
matter itself.
And finally we are forced to admit the most obvious fact: Our own ability to project meaning is but a poor reflection of the deep inter-connections already existing outside. And the process of discovery in itself is bound to take us towards the crux of the matter.
The centrality of
meaning attached to the complexity of the external world is slowly gravitating all sorts of relations that we have already discovered back into a kernel of truth.
After pinning down the secret of material events neatly
reduced to a couple of fundamental fields, we are now learning to cut asunder
the traditional ghosts of god and individuality down into basic sensations and
the closely accompanying ability to connect and discover the meaning of their
There’s no “I”, but just the sensations. There’s no God, but
just the centrally focused meaningfulness of everything that evolves inexorably
towards the still greater outcome.
We have studied the fundamental fields with our finest instruments.
There’s little dispute in the results of what’s captured. But we have no way of
capturing the sensations; no way of checking if the other person or animal has the same experience as my own.
Such difficulties hardly deter us from relishing the experience of the flow of
sensations; to carry on the job of combining sensations to keep making more and more
of meaningfulness.
The moment a statement is given out, our mind connects through
the umpteen words to extract one simple meaning. Rarely do we end up saying, “I can't figure out what she is attempting to convey.”
We have already learnt to associate each physical object or
event with a group of syllables that we call the word, phrase or name
attributed to that particular reality.
And that’s an all-too-known facility we acquire as early as
the age of two. As we grow up, it’s also possible for us to reduce the stupendous
complexity of the immediate context into the meaningfulness of a couple of statements or
Just as each specific sensation is inseparable from the
excitatory physical, biological and neural events that originally led to it, the meaningfulness of the larger world
that we progressively work out after investing much of our time, attention and
resources is inseparable from the billions of scattered data we collected
Sensation occurs to an individual; it doesn’t appear in a spatial format. And
yet it’s so deeply woven into everything that occurs in space. The two are intimately complementary and nearly inseparable. We run into a marriage only because we find in
the other, what we ourselves had been deprived of. Matter and meaning appear to have had a similar contract right from the start.
Sensation is not only a compelling outcome of material
flow of events; once it occurs in its own succession, it begins to build multiple castles on
air, much like the evolution of physical fields. Some of the old mental constructs that we borrowed or put together on our own might still be in serious need of deconstruction; but
largely we would do well by recognizing how the behemoth of undigested food
that we earlier swallowed must necessarily break up into the irreducible fundamental bits.
The construct of Ego, for instance, is nothing other than the
complex memory of a specific set of sensations stacked up in my brain, side by side with many other classical
moulds peeping out from time to time. My entire memory can be easily reduced to
the basic sensations of pain, pleasure, taste, color, pleasant or irritant
sound and odour. The complex evolution of language can also be seen as a
combination of some specific sound or pictorial design.
The idea of God is also the same as the meaningfulness of the
whole of universe. It’s in a way the still growing unification of matter and
sense. An astounding ability to create meaning out of physical appearance has
ordered the evolution of universe to take off, persist and
progressively march towards something even more beautiful. And we who are born
of this primordial union of mind and matter are still struggling to control
more and more of matter in our neighborhood through our little minds.
Had there been no prior plan or blue-print, nothing could have
lasted till now. It’s the mutual agreement of a long list of fields that have
sustained the universe from the moment of Big Bang.
Having failed to see through this game, we get literally exasperated when neural events give birth to meaningfulness all over again. We
doggedly attempt to extricate meaning from the world of science. We even want
to analyse socio- economic data after culling out every trace of
individual motive and perception closely attached to it as the original and fundamental
cause. No wonder we stunningly fail in this most ambitious attempt of ours.
Artificial intelligence, the latest scientific advancement,
is the greatest demonstration of the
inextricable marriage of idea and matter. And yet we, the human beings, continue
to remain the hapless victims of a lot more physical and physiological
conditions, that we haven’t yet managed to fully sense and as a result, we haven't yet managed to bring under control.
Uncooked ideologies upheld by different social groups contribute more to the agonies of our journey
while we have effectively succeeded to tackle the many hurricanes emerging from pure physical phenomena.
Shiva Lingam and yoni represent the inextricable
complementarity of idea and physical matter. The book of Genesis alluded to
this primordial union by planting the story of Adam as a junk of mud activated with
God’s own breath; Eve came alive from the rib taken out of the sleeping Adam
whose consciousness had fallen dead.
With advances in science and psychology, we have discovered a
whole lot of mutually engaging relations in multiple fields leading to
unstoppable growth and expansion. But there’s a central line of divide that we
still find extremely difficult to take stock of. We are still unable to find the perfect match
of mind and cosmos, or at least a seamless line of progress between the two.
Once we plunge into this final divide, there would be nothing to inhibit the
boundless joy that works out from the central meaning of all things. It is to relish
this ultimate secret that we are still marching on. There’s after all a
singularity to which everything must converge.
The tumultuous journey of the present times is poised to move
into a peaceful one if only we discover the stunning similarity between the
complex physical events rooted on a
couple of basic fields and the abounding meaning emerging right
from the scattered idea and sensation experienced at the individual conscious
Finally however there’s a controlling and a controlled
mechanism, nearly in all evolving phenomena. A central idea of the whole
universe, seen in this repeating pattern of evolutionary progress, ought to
be the origin, controller and victor of all things. The scattered principle of matter would
never qualify to act as the controller of all things.
The only option therefore is the primacy of Idea
The only option therefore is the primacy of Idea